Need Shelter?

Does your family need a place to stay? Or are you facing eviction?
If you have at least one child with you (and any number of pets), we are here to help. We offer a holistic solution to family homelessness through a 60-day Emergency Shelter Program run out of facilities in south Scottsdale, Glendale, and Mesa. Call us for a phone screening with someone on our Social Work Team: (480) 659-5227.
Most parents and children are a lot like you: smart, hardworking, and loving. But also in dire need of holistic support due to a family break up, eviction, or job loss. Others just moved from out of state. Or a different crisis crept in and you found yourself without a place to sleep. It is our promise to help you shine once again.

Family Promise is committed to:
- Preventing homelessness
Through rental and (past due) utility assistance for families in danger of becoming homeless - Providing shelter
Through holistic hospitality that includes:safe, private overnight shelter
all meals
support at one of 4 Family Day Centers throughout the Valley. These hubs of activity stabilize the entire family through daycare/school enrollment, after school support, pet care, employment, access to health insurance, budgeting, and next-step housing.
- Preparing for success
By helping graduate families remain stable longer-term through continued goal setting, food box support, acknowledgement of special occasions including kid birthdays, and cordial check-ins for the objective listening ear parents crave.