We mix the right ingredients to help families with children envision a bright future.
We provide the resources, time, and love for families to stabilize after becoming homeless. It is a scary and traumatic time for them. We calm their fears and give them reasons to hope. Our Emergency Shelter Program provides shelter, food, and compassion through staff and a loving community of volunteers. We see it as a holistic solution to end family homelessness.
Family Promise supports the entire family including:
children through daycare assistance, school, in-house play spaces, and nearby Boys & Girls Clubs activities. It maintains a sense of normal family life that kids crave.
parents who, knowing their children are safe and cared for, can focus on their goals: to secure employment, save money, and search for next-step housing. Our social services empowers families to quickly graduate and move on.
pets, who now officially count among the homeless population. They get get their own food and shelter right alongside their human family! Without such a service, families would either live in their car to keep their pet or surrender it to an animal shelter.

How We Work
Family Scrapbook

The Family Promise mission:
To provide emergency shelter and social services that help families move toward independent housing and self-sufficiency.