Family Scrapbook

Host congregations specialize in homemade meals for our families, but generally order take out once a week as a treat. On move-in day, 5-year-old Isabella wondered what was for dinner. The answer she got warmed her heart and then most of those who hear the story.
Chaparral High School’s service group held a second themed drive for families. Members donated food at Thanksgiving and returned two months later with feminine hygiene products… confidently delivered by a young man.

Affordable housing crisis
Family Promise parents have it tough. The Phoenix metro area has 21 affordable and available rental homes per 100 for those with extremely low incomes… which ties for 4th of the nation’s most severe metro areas. Statewide, there are 26.
Extremely low income rental households are defined as at/below poverty level or 30% of area median income.

A 2019 Family Promise graduate continued to set new goals for herself and achieved a big one by the end of 2020: home ownership. She is the first in her family to reach such a milestone and was truly able to be home for Christmas.
This team of knitters dropped off 9 bags of handmade hats and scarves. The team has been making regular donations since 2014. The winter items went to graduate families for Christmas. They even got to pick their favorite color!